Thursday, April 9, 2020


What is Far-Infrared Ray (FIR)?

Most of the Sun’s energy is FIR rays and they are essential for all living things. Zazen Health Solutions’ FIR Thermal System produces this same energy. Based on science, IR technology was originally developed in the United States by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and later on by Chinese and Japanese researchers. FIR rays are also called ‘vital ray’ because of their regenerative effect on the body.

What can FIR do for our Body?

FIR rays penetrate 1.5” to the skin layers and this light energy transform to heat energy. This causes blood vessels to dilate, which promotes better blood circulation as the heat rids the body of toxins through sweating. Good circulation of blood and bodily fluids enhances the distribution of oxygen and ingestion of nutrients to every part of the body. Thus the body naturally metabolises and heals itself which leads to improved vitality. And once the body is strong and healthy, its elevated immune system induces a greater capacity to resist against disease.

How can FIR help you?

• Tones Muscles
• Improves cardiovascular system
• Reduction of cellulites
• Speeds up metabolism
• Weight loss / gain

• Cleanse skin
• Induces a healthy glow

• Purges toxic waste products through the skin
• Aversion of future cancers
• Increase mental clarity
• Restores energy levels
• FIR has an astounding range of therapeutic benefits and effects
• Humans are bio-accumulators and toxins interface with the body’s natural healings. FIR therapy significantly removes those toxins, allowing the body to heal